
Cross Platform Health Tracking App


Web • iOS • Android


Weight loss clients • Health coaches




Newtopia is leading the way to personalized health for disease prevention by combining the power of genetics, personalized coaching, and smart technology. Gaining a deeper understanding of each individual ––through science–– before creating a customized care plan, is proven to deliver sustainable lifestyle and behavioral changes.


Newtopia health coaches worked with at-risk clients to help improve their health, by creating a personalized plan. One key to success is accountability. Newtopia had created a web platform to help keep the client connected and accountable by tracking their food and exercise. The challenge was to transform this web platform into a simple, intuitive user experience which would increase use. This experience had to extend across to iOS and Android.


Product Designer: Research • UX • UI

Led discovery by working with SME and CEO. Continued the process with developers to implement the design.


Stakeholder Interviews • Competitive Analysis • Proto-Persona

The program manager was the head coach and had worked with clients were several years. I worked closely with stakeholders and health coaches to understand the users, the problem and the desired outcome.


I conducted competitive analysis to have a better understanding the health & wellness space and to explore UI patterns for food and exercise tracking.


Task Analysis • Use Stories • User Flows • Wireframes • Mockups • Prototypes


prototyping & user testing

Rapid Prototyping • Moderated User Testing

Prototypes better support user-centered design. It is easier to carry out usability testing with a prototype than a set of static wireframes. After creating a client council, I created interactive prototypes and ran moderated in-person and remote user testing sessions.



Health and fitness is very much behavior driven. A simple intuitive UI is not the solution unless we have understood the underlying user need.